Ministerial Learning Institute
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Ministerial Learning Institute
The purpose of ICOTEA is to provide innovative services aimed at meeting the training needs of public and private bodies, companies and professionals. Ministerial accreditations and certified quality have encouraged a contribution that, ensures partial coverage of the amounts through “Training Vouchers”.
ICOTEA was founded in 1998, and it is a qualified Institute in the field of Training, accredited by the Italian MIUR (Ministry of Education, University and Research) under the following decrees:
- Decree of 23/09/2013 GU n. 242 of 15/10/2013;
- Decree n. AOODGPER: 6833 of 19/09/2012;
- Decree n. 474/668 of 31/10/2006;
It is also accredited by the Ministry of Justice with Decree no. 123 of 21/09/2010 and PDG of 11/01/2011 no. 164; by the Ministry of Economic Development prot. N. 0017933 of 30/07/2015; Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport to the conduct of vocational training courses pursuant to Ministerial Decree 198/91 art. 7 co. 2.
In 2012 The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) recognized ICOTEA as a certified body for school personnel training, with Decree n. AOODGPER: 6833 of 19/09/2012.
In 2013 ICOTEA was authorized to administer the Bachelor’s degree in Linguistic Mediation, with Decree n. 13AO8215
In 2010 the ICOTEA Institute was authorised by the Ministry of Justice to provide online training courses for Civil Mediators/Conciliators.
In 2011 the same Ministry recognised our institute as a mediation and conciliation body (Arbitration chamber of Mediation and Conciliation).
In 2014 ICOTEA was accredited by the Ministry of Health as Provider n. 4182 for CME – Continuing Medical Education.
In October 2017 ICOTEA was authorised by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport to perform online learning and training programmes concerning the road haulage for hire or reward – Ministerial Degree 198/91 art 7 paragraph 2.
- ICOTEA was granted renewed accreditation for ongoing training by the Professional Fund.
- In 2015, the Ministry of Economic Development (MISE) authorised ICOTEA to perform a training course about the Energy Performance Certification of Buildings.
- In the same year the National Council of Engineers nominated ICOTEA as DL Provider (Distance Learning) in order to recognize professional credits for engineers.
- Again in 2015 ICOTEA obtained a similar authorisation by the National Council of Chemists to perform online learning for the recognition of professional credits for Chemists registered in any Order.
- In 2016 ICOTEA received the same kind of authorization for distant learning courses both by the National Council of Labour Consultants and the National Council of the Order of Journalists valid for credit recognition respectively for professionals of the two categories registered in any Order.
- On September, 9, 2016 the National Council of Social Assistants authorized ICOTEA for the organization of training events for Social Assistants.
- In December 2016, the National Council of Notaries authorised ICOTEA to offer training activities.
- In January 2017, the National Council of Chartered Accounts and Accounting Experts authorized ICOTEA to organize training activities on national level for the members of the Chartered Accounts and Accounting Experts Order.
- In August 2018 ICOTEA received the accreditation from the National Council of Agronomists and Chartered Foresters.
- From September 2018, ICOTEA is in partnership with Gatehouse to earn English certifications recognized by the MIUR.
- In October 2018 the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI) authorised ICOTEA to provide the “Postgraduate course in Law and Sportmarketing”.
- In 2019 ICOTEA was authorised by MEF and Consip to provide its services to public administrations on MEPA. In the same year, ICOTEA was accredited by the Italian National Council of Lawyers; by the University of Saint Petersburg for the Russian language certifications and by TELC of Frankfurt for the German language certifications.
- In 2020, Icotea was accredited in the Regional Register of Accredited Training Institutions of Lombardy Region 1213, and then was authorized as a body for continuing education for further Professional Orders: Geologists, Industrial Engineers, Architects, Lawyers and Food Technologists.
- Today ICOTEA, at the end of the bachelor’s degree course in Linguistic Mediation, is authorised to issue qualifications which are fully equivalent to university degrees, in accordance with the Ministerial Decree no. 38 of 10/01/2002.
ICOTEA online qualifications and certificates are valid in Italy and abroad for freelancers, public competitions, career advancement, professional credits and school rankings.
The ministerial decrees above mentioned are published in the “Accreditations and Certifications” section.
- Email:
- WhatsApp/Telegram/Tel: +39 3355992943
- Tel: +39 0298650005
- Mon-Fri 9:00-13:00/14:00-18:00
- Skype: ICOTEA helpdek
- Course On Site
Biennial Refresher Course For Civil Mediator Conciliator 18 Hours
399,00€299,00€ Add to cart - Ongoing Professional Training
Refresher Course For First Aid Officers A/B/C 6 Hours
199,00€149,00€ Add to cart - Online Course
Single subject: Italian linguistics (L-FIL-LET/12) -300 hours -12 ECTS – 75 days long
599,00€499,00€ Add to cart - Ongoing Professional Training
Refresher Course For Scaffold Builder / Assembly / Dismantling 4 hours
199,00€149,00€ Select options - Online Course
History of Rome (L-ANT/03) – 300 hours – 12 ECTS credits -75 days long
599,00€499,00€ Add to cart - Online Course
Single subject: English literature I (L-LIN/10) -300 hours -12 ECTS – 75 days long
599,00€499,00€ Add to cart