Italian Courses

Italian Language Courses

ICOTEA is an Examination Centre for Italian Language Certification, as it is accredited by the University for Foreigners of Perugia for the achievement of CELI Certification.

View the Accreditation University for Foreigners of Perugia – ICOTEA.

Whatever is the reason you want to study Italian, such as:

  • enrolling in Bachelor’s degree provided by Italian universities;
  • need to obtain a residency permit;
  • obtaining Italian citizenship;
  • clearing educational debts;
  • add points for school rankings;

to help you, ICOTEA has included in its training offer Italian language courses to obtain the CELI certification, valid in any public or private, Italian or foreign working context, such as:

  • Italian or foreign public administrations;
  • Schools;
  • Universities;
  • Prefecture;
  • Police Headquarters;
  • International Organisations;
  • NATO;
  • UN;
  • Embassies;
  • Diplomatic Corps.

Course and Examination provided for the Italian Language Certification CELI

The preparatory lessons to obtain the Italian Language Certification CELI are provided through ICOTEA E-LEARNING PLATFORM.

E-learning LESSONS with ICOTEA:

  • Within 24 hours since enrollment, you will be notified of the registration procedure and access key to access the ICOTEA e-learning platform where you will find all the lectures and exams of your training course.
  • To enroll on the platform, you must click on “E-LEARNING“: – located on the site at the top right of the home page. Here you will be asked to insert: username, password and enable your biometric facial recognition.
  • Biometric facial recognitionis an automatic system that checks that you are taking classes. To enable it, you will be asked to take a photo of yourself through the webcam on your PC or camera on the device you are connecting from. For the photo we recommend that you frame your face totally, without covering it with hands, hair, headphones or anything else.
  • The lectures are consequential. To continue with the training course, the student is required to follow the lectures by demonstrating his presence in front of the screen of their device. In this way they will be able to access the various intermediate and final exams.
  • You will have the support of a tutor who will follow you during your training course, responding within 24 hours to any questions or requests, which will be sent to the e-mail address

The FINAL EXAMINATION for obtaining the CELI ITALIAN Language Certificate will be held in the classroom at the location of your choice:

  • MILAN: Street Mecenate n. 105 floor VI;
  • ROME (Trastevere): Street Federico Rosazza n. 26 floor I;
  • MODICA: Steert Sorda Sampieri no. 128;
  • SASSARI Street Italia n. 7/B 1st floor.

Examination held in the CLASSROOM

Examinations are held in the classroom. The University for Foreigners of Perugia will send an inspector to verify the way the following examinations are conducted:

  • Structure of the Examination to be conducted in the classroom
  • Test A – Reading Comprehension
  • Test B – Written production
  • Oral Examination
  • Total duration of the examination: 4 hours.

After successfully taking the final examinations, the University for Foreigners of Perugia, through Icotea staff, will issue the final certificate following:

  • verification of attendance recorded on the access report;
  • the course must be complete;
  • the examinations must be complete;
  • verification of the regularity of payments to ICOTEA courses/services.


  • CELI Italian Language certification, valid in any public or private, Italian or foreign working context: Italian or foreign Public Administrations; Schools; Universities; Prefecture; Police Headquarters; International Organisations; NATO; UN; Embassies; Diplomatic Corps;
  • Higher points than other candidates in the case of competitions for staff selection or recruitment;
  • Right to study/ Exemption from service: for the courses provided by ICOTEA, it is possible to obtain recognition of exemption from public and private administrations, with permits for the right to study amounting to 150 hours per year, within the limits set by the regulations in force.
  • S.O.F.I.A. platform: On 01/08/2016 no. 317, ICOTEA was accredited by MIUR regarding the platform called S.O.F.I.A. – operating system for teacher training and refresher courses: ICOTEA’s courses are all accredited also on the SOFIA platform. Teachers must enroll for the course both at and on the SOFIA platform;
  • Examination venues throughout Italy: Milan – Rome – Modica – Sassari;
  • E-Learning platform active 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
  • You can access lessons as early as 24 hours after enrolment;
  • Economic Benefits and Additional Services: Sign up for more courses/services immediately discount of up to 50% on the cart total.



ADULTS/TEACHERS: CELI certification valid for scoring in school rankings, public administrations both Italian and foreign:

ADOLESCENTS age 12 – 18 (enriching their cultural background, obtain educational debts, enrolling in Italian schools abroad, etc.)

MARCO POLO/TURANDOT STUDENTS: for symphonies, Marco Polo-Turandot programme, foreign students coming to Italy for European/Erasmus training projects or enrolment at Italian universities:

Obtain the CELI Italian Language Certificate recognised in Italy and abroad according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

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Best-selling courses

Codice promozionale: Sei già un corsista ICOTEA. Inoltra ad la richiesta per ricevere il tuo codice promozionale. Iscriviti ad altri corsi, inserendo il codice promozionale, riceverai immediatamente uno sconto aggiuntivo del 5%Lo sconto verrà applicato subito sul totale del carrello.

Rateizzazione senza costi aggiuntivi: Pagata la quota d’iscrizione/acconto, la restante somma potrà essere rateizzata secondo le tue esigenze, senza costi aggiuntivi.  Es. Il master prevede un investimento di Euro 649,00. Pagata la quota d’iscrizione di Euro 249,00 la restante somma potrà essere versata a fine percorso e potrà essere rateizzata senza costi aggiuntivi.

Voucher Formativo: per alcuni percorsi formativi che rientrano in una delle seguenti tipologie: Laurea – Formazione Pubblica Amministrazione – Corsi Trova Lavoro – Formazione Continua Ordini Professionali – Altri Corsi – Certificazioni Linguistiche – Certificazioni Informatiche – Corsi di Italiano – Corsi Singoli – Convegni Formativi – Master – Perfezionamento Post-Diploma – Diploma Specializzazione Biennali – Corsi di Alta Formazione è possibile usufruire del Voucher Formativo. Si tratta di una agevolazione economica che ICOTEA mette a disposizione dei corsisti per una copertura parziale dell’importo di alcuni percorsi formativi. Es: l’investimento previsto per il Master è euro 999,00, mentre grazie il Voucher l’investimento è di euro 649,00.

Carta del Docente: ICOTEA è Istituto formativo ministeriale accreditato al MIUR ai sensi della Direttiva 170/16 Codice Esercente ZAIXV. I docenti potranno dunque iscriversi ai nostri percorsi formativi usufruendo della Carta del Docente.

Carta Giovani: ICOTEA è convenzionata anche con la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri dipartimento Politiche Giovanili e il Servizio Universale per la CARTA GIOVANI. La carta giovani, è una tessera virtuale riservata ai giovani compresi dai 18° a 35° anni di età che possono richiedere esclusivamente tramite l’App IO. Lo scopo di tale tessera virtuale è di usufruire dello sconto del 5% da utilizzare per le quote d’iscrizione ai vari percorsi formativi erogati da ICOTEA. I percorsi formativi erogati da ICOTEA convenzionati con CARTA GIOVANI sono: Laurea – Formazione Pubblica Amministrazione – Corsi Trova Lavoro – Formazione Continua Ordini Professionali – Altri Corsi – Certificazioni Linguistiche – Certificazioni Informatiche – Corsi di Italiano – Corsi Singoli – Convegni Formativi – Master – Perfezionamento Post-Diploma – Diploma Specializzazione Biennali – Corsi di Alta Formazione

Esente Iva:  Ad Icotea, in qualità di Istituto Universitario, è stato assegnato il seguente codice ateco 85.42 da parte della C.C.I.A.A, pertanto, i percorsi formativi erogati sono esenti da iva. I nostri corsisti, quindi, possono detrarre ai fini fiscali una percentuale maggiore rispetto altri Istituti/Enti non universitari.

How to enrol

PROMOTIONS VALID UNTIL 31 December 2024 are cumulative: “The More You Learn, The More You Save” + “More economic benefits”