Language Certifications

Do you need a language certification?

Choose Icotea for:

Nowadays is common the need to obtain a language certification and you will certainly have heard about A1, B1, B2, C1 levels, as well as the acronyms ket, pet, first, which have probably contributed to a great deal of confusion.

If we take the study of English in Italy as an example, it has been compulsory since the first grade of primary school but, as you too may have noticed, the language skills acquired is not always homogeneous.

This happens because the skills of English achieved at school is often conditioned by the skill of the teacher one encounters during the school career.

This is why the difference preparation between candidates for a public competition, for a job… can be substantial!

Why obtain a language certificate?

In addition to representing a level of language proficiency recognised throughout the world and constituting an excellent business card when included in your CV, language certificates also allow you to acquire training credits that you can use if you wish:

  • Participate in a public competition
  • Acquire ranking points if you are a teacher
  • Enrich your academic career

What language certifications are provided by Icotea?

ICOTEA, as an accredited training institute, includes in its wide range of training courses, all recognised by the Miur, for the following languages: Italian, English, German and Russian.

By enrolling in ICOTEA’s language certifications, you will be able to access, free of charge, the support of the E-Converter Agency, which provides interpreting and translation services.

Thanks to this partnership you will be able to:

  • Ask for a discussion, advice or coaching free of charge with the E-Converter staff.
  • In this way, we can help you perform your role as an interpreter, translator or adapter in the best possible way.
  • You can apply for an internship with the agency and enter the world of work.

Language certification: English A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

Icotea is an examination centre for Gatehouse, a certification body recognised by MIUR and the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation.

You can find more information on the page: English certification

The levels achievable at Icotea all have a total of 60 hours and are: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

In addition, is available the Business English Language course, 60 hours.

Language certification: German A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

For the German language, the certifying body is TELC.

TELC certifications, in addition to certifying language competence, are recognised by MIUR and are ideal for those who want to work or study in Germany.

The levels available at Icotea all have a total of 60 hours are: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

In addition, the Business German Language course is available, 60 hours.

You can find more information on the page: German Certification

Language certification: Russian A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

For the Russian language, Icotea is a partner of the Herzen State Pedagogical University in St Petersburg.

The certification is valid in both European and non-European countries.

The levels available at Icotea are:

  • A1 120 hours
  • A2 160 hours
  • B1 180 hours
  • B2 180 hours
  • C1 280 hours
  • C2 280 hours

In addition, the Business Russian course is available, 60 hours.

You can find more information on the page: Russian Certificate

Language certification: Italian A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

For the Italian Language CELI, Icotea is a body authorised by the University for Foreigners of Perugia. If you are an immigrant, a teacher, a foreign student you can enrol in the following courses:


ADULTS/TEACHERS: CELI certification valid for scoring in school rankings, public administrations both Italian and foreign:

ADOLESCENTS age 12 – 18 (enriching their cultural background, obtain educational debts, enrolling in Italian schools abroad, etc.)

MARCO POLO/TURANDOT STUDENTS: for symphonies, Marco Polo-Turandot programme, foreign students coming to Italy for European/Erasmus training projects or enrolment at Italian universities:


  • 24/7 E-Learning platform
  • You can access lessons as early as 24 hours after registration
  • Financial benefits: Training voucher
  • You can request a free consultation or coaching session with E-Converter, a partner translation agency, to help you perform your role as interpreter, translator or adapter to the best of your ability
  • Apply for an internship with the agency to enter the world of work


On 01/08/2016 no. 317, ICOTEA was accredited by MIUR regarding the training platform called S.O.F.I.A. – Operating system for teacher training and refresher courses.

ICOTEA’s courses are therefore all also accredited on the SOFIA platform.

Teachers must therefore register for the course both at and on the SOFIA platform.

Obtaining GPS points thanks to language certifications

The number of points for the school rankings and any updating depends on the ministerial table in force at the time when you self-declare the qualifications held for the Italian Education Accessing System:

  • Italian 3rd range of exhausted classifications;
  • Italian 2nd and 3rd range of Institute rankings;
  • Mobility and Transfer;
  • Italian vacancy rankings.





Codice promozionale: Sei già un corsista ICOTEA. Inoltra ad la richiesta per ricevere il tuo codice promozionale. Iscriviti ad altri corsi, inserendo il codice promozionale, riceverai immediatamente uno sconto aggiuntivo del 5%Lo sconto verrà applicato subito sul totale del carrello.

Rateizzazione senza costi aggiuntivi: Pagata la quota d’iscrizione/acconto, la restante somma potrà essere rateizzata secondo le tue esigenze, senza costi aggiuntivi.  Es. Il master prevede un investimento di Euro 649,00. Pagata la quota d’iscrizione di Euro 249,00 la restante somma potrà essere versata a fine percorso e potrà essere rateizzata senza costi aggiuntivi.

Voucher Formativo: per alcuni percorsi formativi che rientrano in una delle seguenti tipologie: Laurea – Formazione Pubblica Amministrazione – Corsi Trova Lavoro – Formazione Continua Ordini Professionali – Altri Corsi – Certificazioni Linguistiche – Certificazioni Informatiche – Corsi di Italiano – Corsi Singoli – Convegni Formativi – Master – Perfezionamento Post-Diploma – Diploma Specializzazione Biennali – Corsi di Alta Formazione è possibile usufruire del Voucher Formativo. Si tratta di una agevolazione economica che ICOTEA mette a disposizione dei corsisti per una copertura parziale dell’importo di alcuni percorsi formativi. Es: l’investimento previsto per il Master è euro 999,00, mentre grazie il Voucher l’investimento è di euro 649,00.

Carta del Docente: ICOTEA è Istituto formativo ministeriale accreditato al MIUR ai sensi della Direttiva 170/16 Codice Esercente ZAIXV. I docenti potranno dunque iscriversi ai nostri percorsi formativi usufruendo della Carta del Docente.

Carta Giovani: ICOTEA è convenzionata anche con la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri dipartimento Politiche Giovanili e il Servizio Universale per la CARTA GIOVANI. La carta giovani, è una tessera virtuale riservata ai giovani compresi dai 18° a 35° anni di età che possono richiedere esclusivamente tramite l’App IO. Lo scopo di tale tessera virtuale è di usufruire dello sconto del 5% da utilizzare per le quote d’iscrizione ai vari percorsi formativi erogati da ICOTEA. I percorsi formativi erogati da ICOTEA convenzionati con CARTA GIOVANI sono: Laurea – Formazione Pubblica Amministrazione – Corsi Trova Lavoro – Formazione Continua Ordini Professionali – Altri Corsi – Certificazioni Linguistiche – Certificazioni Informatiche – Corsi di Italiano – Corsi Singoli – Convegni Formativi – Master – Perfezionamento Post-Diploma – Diploma Specializzazione Biennali – Corsi di Alta Formazione

Esente Iva:  Ad Icotea, in qualità di Istituto Universitario, è stato assegnato il seguente codice ateco 85.42 da parte della C.C.I.A.A, pertanto, i percorsi formativi erogati sono esenti da iva. I nostri corsisti, quindi, possono detrarre ai fini fiscali una percentuale maggiore rispetto altri Istituti/Enti non universitari.

How to enrol

PROMOTIONS VALID UNTIL 31 March 2025 are cumulative: “The More You Learn, The More You Save” + “More economic benefits”