Single Courses

Single courses – Obtain ECTS

The ICOTEA Institute, now Higher Education School for Linguistic Mediators (Italian SSML), is authorized by the Italian MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) with the Decree of 23/09/2013 – G.U. n. 242 of 15/10/2013 and offers to you the single courses activated in the three-year Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistic Mediation. All those who own a high school diploma, a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree and all the students enrolled in any University study program can enrol to the single courses activated for the Bachelor’s degree in Linguistic Mediation. They are authorized to take exams and to obtain the related final certifications as well. Each course, whose final grade is out of thirty, can be used to fill educational debts necessary to the acquisition of the curricular requirements for the subscription to an open-access Master’s Degree Course or to Graduate Schools, for professional purposes or for public competitions, and for all the situations in which a cultural updating or a specific refinement of the skills is required. The courses are now provided in blended mode.

Here’s the procedure to register on the ICOTEA e-learning platform:

  • insert username, password and proceed to the biometric facial recognition.
  • The final exams consist of a series of multiple-choice tests and an oral exam. You will be able to know the mark you have obtained right after the exam. In case you don’t get the minimum score,18/30, you are allowed to retake the test again with no additional cost.
  • The teacher, in order to complete the examination, will proceed to the oral exam through ZOOM platform (before the date of the examination you will be sent guidelines to register to ZOOM). The questions asked by the teacher will concern the topics of the training plan the student must have studied.
  • At the end of the Master, ICOTEA will check the “Access Reports“, and will issue the final certificate only if the lessons have been downloaded, and if the written exam (multiple choice test) and the oral exam have been passed. If that was not the case, we will send you an email to comply with the requirements needed.
  • The final certificate can be downloaded from the e-learning platform at the top of the page of the training course in which you are enrolled, after having taken and passed the final test and oral exam, paid the balance and the period of the duration of the master is spent.


  • Graduate with a Bachelor’s degree who need to follow courses and take exams in subjects which were not inserted in their Bachelor’s study plan, but are required for the admission to Master’s degrees, Graduate Schools or Public Competitions.
  • Students who are enrolled to ICOTEA’s Bachelor’s Degree in Linguistic Mediation whose aim is to integrate their study plan with additional exams.
  • Foreign university students enrolled in foreign Universities and Institutions, within the framework of international mobility programs and agreements governed by conditions of reciprocity after verification and approval by the competent consular authorities.
  • Foreign university students enrolled in foreign Universities and Institutions who wants to enrol in single courses through personal initiative, after verification and approval by the competent consular authorities,
  • People owning a High School Diploma who are not enrolled to study courses within other Universities, AFAM (Higher Artistic and Musical Education) Institutions and Academies for, whose aim is their cultural updating and integration of professional skills.

It is possible to enrol in several single courses, for a total number of 60 ECTS per academic year.

The attendance and/or the ECTS acquired by passing the exams related to single courses can be acknowledged and validated in case of a subsequent enrolment in our Bachelor’s degree program.

Single Courses List

Italian Literature (L-FIL-LETT/10); English Language I (L-LIN/12); French Language I (L-LIN/04); English Literature (L-LIN/10); French Literature (L-LIN/03); Contemporary Italian Literature (L-FIL-LETT/11); Business Organization (SECS-P/10); Principles of Public Law (IUS/09); Theory and Philosophy of Languages (M-FIL/05); English Language II (L-LIN/12); French Language II (L-LIN/04); Linguistic Mediation English-Italian I (L-LIN/12); Linguistic Mediation French-Italian I (L-LIN/04); German Language (L-LIN/17); Contemporary History (M-STO/04); European Union Law (IUS/14); Computer Science (INF/01); Principles of Private Law (IUS/01); Modern Languages Didactics (L-LIN/02); Italian for Foreigners Didactics (L-LIN/02); Foreign Languages Didactics (L-LIN/02); Commercial Law (IUS/04); Business Economics (SECS-P/07); Economic Policy (SECS-P/02); Political Economy (SECS-P/01); German Philology (L-FIL-LET/15); Romance Philology (L-FIL-LET/09); History of Philosophy (M-FIL/06); Theoretical Philosophy (M-FIL/01); Moral Philosophy (M-FIL/03); Logic and Philosophy of Science (M-FIL/02); Aesthetics (M-FIL/04); History of Philosophy (M-FIL/06); History of Ancient Philosophy (M-FIL/07); History of Medieval Philosophy (M-FIL/08); Cultural Geography (M-GGR/01); Economic and Political Geography (M-GGR/02); Italian Linguistics and Historical linguistics(L-LIN/01); Comparative Literature (L-FIL-LET/14); English Literature II (L-LIN/10); English Literature III (L-LIN/10); Latin Language and Literature (L-FIL-LET/04); Spanish Literature I (L-LIN/05); Spanish Literature II (L-LIN/05); Spanish Literature III (L-LIN/05); German Literature I (L-LIN/13); German Literature II (L-LIN/13); German Literature III (L-LIN/13); French Literature II (L-LIN/03); French Literature III (L-LIN/03); French Language III (L-LIN/04); English Language III (L-LIN/12); Spanish Language I (L-LIN/07); Spanish Language II (L-LIN/07); Spanish Language III (L-LIN/07); German Language II (L-LIN/17); German Language III (L-LIN/17); Italian Linguistics (L-FIL-LET/12); General Psychology (M-PSI/01); Behavioural neuroscience and Physiological Psychology (M-PSI/02); Social Psychology (M-PSI/05); Labour and Organisations Psychology (M-PSI/06); French Translation and Sectorial Languages (L-LIN/04); English Translation and Sectorial Languages (L-LIN/12); Spanish Translation and Sectorial Languages (L-LIN/07); German Translation and Sectorial Languages (L-LIN/14); Sociology of Culture (SPS/08); General Sociology (SPS/07); Sociology of Economic and Labour Processes (SPS/09); Political Sociology (SPS/11); Sociology of Law, Deviance and Social Changes (SPS/12); Medieval History (M-STO/01); Modern History (M-STO/02); Contemporary History (M-STO/04); History of Art (L-ART/02); History of Pedagogy (M-PED/02); Medieval Art (L-ART/01); History of Sciences and Technology (M-STO/05); Greek History (L-ANT/02); Roman History (L-ANT/03); History of Philosophy (M-FIL/06).

24 ECTS for Teachers’ Competitions

ICOTEA has arranged five single solutions specific for the School Sector with the purpose of issuing the 24 ECTS, useful for the participation in Teachers’ Competitions.

By attending 4 single courses you will be given 6 ECTS for each course. These courses are:

  • Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy and Didactics for Inclusion (M-PED) – 6 ECTS – 150 h
  • Psychology (M-PSI) – 6 ECTS – 150 h
  • Anthropology (M-DEA/01 – M-FIL/03 – L-ART/08) – 6 ECTS – 150 h
  • General Methods and Technologies of Didactics (M-PED/03 – M-PED/04) – 6 ECTS – 150 h

Otherwise, you can choose the cumulative option: this study program will grant you the 24 ECTS you need after a period of 5 months and includes, in a lump-sum, all the four subjects:

  • 24 ECTS: Special Pedagogy and Didactics for Inclusion (M-PED) + Psychology (M-PSI) + Anthropology (M-DEA/01 – M-FIL/03 – L-ART/08) + General Methods and Technologies of Didactics (M-PED/03 – M-PED/04) –600 h.

The attendance to one of the previous courses or set of courses allows you to obtain a certification issued by E-Campus, which organizes and validates the exams and issues the 24 ECTS in anthropological, psychological and pedagogical subjects and in methodologies and technologies of didactics, useful for the participation in Teachers’ Competitions.

Administrative Law IUS/10 - 300 hours - ECTS 12
Aesthetics (M-FIL/04) -300 hours - 12 ECTS credits -75 days long


CFU: 12

Aesthetics (M-FIL/04) -300 hours - 12 ECTS credits -75 days long (Copia)


CFU: 12

Anthropology (M-DEA/01) - 150 hours - 6 ECTS


CFU: 6

Anthropology (M-DEA/01) - 300 hours - 12 ECTS credits -75 days long


CFU: 12

Anthropology (M-DEA/01) - 300 hours - 12 ECTS credits -75 days long
Contemporary History (M-STO/04) - 300 hours - 12 ECTS


CFU: 12

Economic and industrial sociology (SPS/09) - 150 hours - 6 ECTS credits -38 days long


CFU: 6

Economic and industrial sociology (SPS/09) - 300 hours - 12 ECTS credits -75 days long


CFU: 12

Economic politics (SECS-P/02) -300 hours - 12 ECTS credits -75 days long


CFU: 12

Economic Statistics SECS-S/03 – 150 hours - 6 ECTs


CFU: 6

Economic Statistics SECS-S/03 – 200 hours - 8 ECTs


CFU: 8

Economic Statistics SECS-S/03 – 300 hours - 12 ECTs


CFU: 12

Economic Statistics SECS-S/03 – 75 hours - 3 ECTs


CFU: 3

English I (L- LIN/12) 200 hours-8 ECTS


CFU: 8

English II (L-LIN/12) 200 hours - 8 ECTS


CFU: 8

English Literature (L-LIN/10) 200 hours - 8 ECTS


CFU: 8

Entrepreneurship (SECS-P/10) 150 hours - 6 ECTS


CFU: 6

Best-selling courses

Codice promozionale: Sei già un corsista ICOTEA. Inoltra ad la richiesta per ricevere il tuo codice promozionale. Iscriviti ad altri corsi, inserendo il codice promozionale, riceverai immediatamente uno sconto aggiuntivo del 5%Lo sconto verrà applicato subito sul totale del carrello.

Rateizzazione senza costi aggiuntivi: Pagata la quota d’iscrizione/acconto, la restante somma potrà essere rateizzata secondo le tue esigenze, senza costi aggiuntivi.  Es. Il master prevede un investimento di Euro 649,00. Pagata la quota d’iscrizione di Euro 249,00 la restante somma potrà essere versata a fine percorso e potrà essere rateizzata senza costi aggiuntivi.

Voucher Formativo: per alcuni percorsi formativi che rientrano in una delle seguenti tipologie: Laurea – Formazione Pubblica Amministrazione – Corsi Trova Lavoro – Formazione Continua Ordini Professionali – Altri Corsi – Certificazioni Linguistiche – Certificazioni Informatiche – Corsi di Italiano – Corsi Singoli – Convegni Formativi – Master – Perfezionamento Post-Diploma – Diploma Specializzazione Biennali – Corsi di Alta Formazione è possibile usufruire del Voucher Formativo. Si tratta di una agevolazione economica che ICOTEA mette a disposizione dei corsisti per una copertura parziale dell’importo di alcuni percorsi formativi. Es: l’investimento previsto per il Master è euro 999,00, mentre grazie il Voucher l’investimento è di euro 649,00.

Carta del Docente: ICOTEA è Istituto formativo ministeriale accreditato al MIUR ai sensi della Direttiva 170/16 Codice Esercente ZAIXV. I docenti potranno dunque iscriversi ai nostri percorsi formativi usufruendo della Carta del Docente.

Carta Giovani: ICOTEA è convenzionata anche con la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri dipartimento Politiche Giovanili e il Servizio Universale per la CARTA GIOVANI. La carta giovani, è una tessera virtuale riservata ai giovani compresi dai 18° a 35° anni di età che possono richiedere esclusivamente tramite l’App IO. Lo scopo di tale tessera virtuale è di usufruire dello sconto del 5% da utilizzare per le quote d’iscrizione ai vari percorsi formativi erogati da ICOTEA. I percorsi formativi erogati da ICOTEA convenzionati con CARTA GIOVANI sono: Laurea – Formazione Pubblica Amministrazione – Corsi Trova Lavoro – Formazione Continua Ordini Professionali – Altri Corsi – Certificazioni Linguistiche – Certificazioni Informatiche – Corsi di Italiano – Corsi Singoli – Convegni Formativi – Master – Perfezionamento Post-Diploma – Diploma Specializzazione Biennali – Corsi di Alta Formazione

Esente Iva:  Ad Icotea, in qualità di Istituto Universitario, è stato assegnato il seguente codice ateco 85.42 da parte della C.C.I.A.A, pertanto, i percorsi formativi erogati sono esenti da iva. I nostri corsisti, quindi, possono detrarre ai fini fiscali una percentuale maggiore rispetto altri Istituti/Enti non universitari.

How to enrol

PROMOTIONS VALID UNTIL 31 March 2025 are cumulative: “The More You Learn, The More You Save” + “More economic benefits”