The figure of the Condominium Manager

The professional figure of the Condominium Manager

The figure of the condominium administrator holds considerable importance when it comes to managing real estate. Here is a summary of his general duties, the powers attributed to him and the requirements necessary to carry out this profession.

Who is the Condominium Manager?

Appointed by the assembly, this professional acts as a representative of the condominium and, by the provisions of Article 117 of the Civil Code, is responsible for the common parts of the building.

When is it mandatory to appoint this figure?

When there are more than 8 owners, the appointment of the administrator is compulsory. This professional can be chosen inside the condominium or can be an external member. On the occasion of the annual appointment, the condominium assembly takes care of defining his economic compensation.

How long does his role last?

One year, beginning with the election by majority vote at the condominium meeting. If not revoked, the mandate is renewable for a further year.

Condominium Manager requirement:

Following the article 71 BIS of the provision for the implementation of the Civil Code, for holding this position full of responsibility, the essential requirements are:

  • enjoyment of civil rights;
  • the absence of disqualifications, incapacitations, convictions for offences against public faith, public administration, property and the administration of justice, as well as any other form of non-culpable offence for which, by the law, the penalty is imprisonment of between 2 and 5 years;
  • the absence of his name on the list of promissory notes;
  • the attainment of a High School diploma as a minimum qualification;
  • Attendance at a training course;
  • Continuous performance in the field of condominium administration.

These last three requirements are mandatory only in cases where the condominium manager is an external figure and not in cases where he is appointed in the building.

What are the duties of the Condominium Manager?

Taking care of budgeting and managing condominium expenses are the two priority tasks of this professional.

It is always up to this figure to deal with the drafting of the condominium rules and its compliance by the residents in the building. The resolutions of the assembly, supervision of the integrity and maintenance of the common parts of the building are among his other duties.

Finally, as regards the collection of condominium fees, another area of his competence, it is up to him to draw up the final balance of the management expenses and to justify the movement of income and expenditure relating to the common fund. Note well that this figure has limited powers only and exclusively concerning the common parts of the building and not about private parts of the building, such as apartments.





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