Courses And Exams CELI MPT Italian Language Certificate for Chinese Students Marco Polo or Turandot Level B2
The LESSONS and FINAL EXAMINATION will be held in the classroom at the location of your choice:
- MILAN: Street Mecenate n. 105 floor VI;
- ROME (Trastevere): Street Federico Rosazza n. 26 floor I;
- MODICA: Steert Sorda Sampieri no. 128;
- SASSARI Street Italia n. 7/B 1st floor.
It is planned to provide 20/25 hours of lessons per week (80/100 hours per month) as follows:
- Italian language and culture
- Exercises
- Conversation
- Language laboratory
- Seminar lessons to reinforce and deepen the linguistic skills and competences necessary for an efficient interaction in the Italian-speaking context.
- Lessons aimed at preparing for the Celi exams
- Educational outings and recreational activities.
Examination held in the CLASSROOM
Examinations are held in the classroom. The University for Foreigners of Perugia will send an inspector to verify the way the following examinations are conducted:
- Test A – Reading comprehension
- Test B – Writing production
- Oral Exam
Total hours of Examination: 5 hours
After successfully taking the final examinations, the University for Foreigners of Perugia, through Icotea staff, will issue the final certificate following:
- verification of attendance recorded on the access report;
- the course must be complete;
- the examinations must be complete;
- verification of the regularity of payments to ICOTEA courses/services.
Study Plan CELI MPT Italian Language Certificate for Chinese Students Marco Polo or Turandot Level B2
Lessons will take place from Monday to Friday, approximately from 09:00 to 13:00, excluding public holidays. Attendance is compulsory.
- Grammatical patterns
- Verbs derived from adjectives
- The Subjunctive
- The conditional
- Aspectual verbs
- Future simple and future anterior
- Objects in the home
- Body parts
- Computer-related words and actions
- Dialogical expressions
- Introducing oneself
- Comparing
- Sports and recreational activities
- Sayings with animals
- Sayings with colours
- Comparing culture
- Italian culture
- Examination instructions and warnings
- Summaries
- Written production exercise
- Oral production exercise
- Listening exercises
- Reading exercises
- Final Examination
ENROLL/PAY by 31 March 2025 with ICOTEA you will get EXTRA ECONOMICS BENEFITS:
- Promo Code: Are you already an ICOTEA student or have you used one of the services of Formazione24H, Tommaso Barone or E-Converter? Ask your request to to receive your promotional code. Sign up for other courses or purchase other services, and by entering the promo code you will immediately receive an additional 5% discount. The discount will be applied immediately to your cart total.
- Instalments with no additional cost: Once the enrolment/deposit fee has been paid, the remaining amount can be paid in instalment according to your needs at no additional cost.
E.g.: If the One-year post graduate course involves an investment of Euro 649.00. You can pay only 249.00 euro; the remaining amount can be paid in instalments at the end of the course without any additional costs. - Training Voucher: for certain training courses that fall into one of the following categories: One Year post-graduate courses - Single Courses - Two-Years Postgraduate Courses – Ongoing Training for Professional Orders – Advanced Training Courses – One year Specialization Courses - Language Certifications - IT Certifications - Italian Courses - Other Courses it is possible to take advantage of the Training Voucher. It is an economic benefit that ICOTEA makes available to students for partial coverage of the amount of certain training courses.
E.g.: the planned investment for the One year Post-graduate course is 999.00 euro, while thanks to the Voucher the investment is 649.00 euro. - Teacher's Card: ICOTEA is a ministerial training institute accredited to MIUR according to the Directive 170/16 Practice Code ZAIXV. Teachers can therefore enrol in our training courses by taking advantage of the Teacher's Card.
- YOUTH CARD: ICOTEA also has an agreement with the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Department of Youth Policy and Universal Service for the YOUTH CARD. The youth card is a virtual card reserved for young people between the ages of 18 and 35 who can apply exclusively through the IO App. The purpose of this virtual card is to take advantage of the 5 percent discount to be used for enrollment fees in the various training courses provided by ICOTEA. The training courses provided by ICOTEA affiliated with YOUTH CARD are: One Year post-graduate courses - Single Courses - Two-Years Postgraduate Courses – Ongoing Training for Professional Orders – Advanced Training Courses – One year Specialization Courses - Language Certifications - IT Certifications - Italian Courses - Other Courses.
- VAT exempt: Icotea, as a University Institute, has the ateco code 85.42, assigned by the C.C.I.A.A. Therefore, the training courses provided by Icotea are exempt from VAT. Therefore, our students can deduct a higher percentage for tax purposes than other Institutes/Bodies.
If you choose to attend the courses provided by ICOTEA or to buy the additional services offered by FORMAZIONE24H, Tommaso Barone or E-Converter you can get a discount of up to 50% on the total amount in your cart.
Buy 2 courses/services and get a 10% discount right away
Buy 3 courses/services and get a 20% discount right away
Buy 4 courses/services and get a 30% discount right away
Buy 5 courses/services and get a 40% discount right away
If you buy 6 courses/services or more, you’ll get a 50% discount right away
You can also buy courses or services for more than one person and take advantage of the promotion.
ICOTEA provide different ADDITIONAL SERVICE to our students:
- FORMAZONE24H a national association accredited by MISE for intellectual professions;
- STUDENT SERVICES certification and degree issuance;
- TOMMASO BARONE an expert in Safety and Hygiene in the School and Public Administration sector since 1998;
- HELP DESK for professional growth;
- E-CONVERTER Interpreting and Translating agency;