Scaffold builder course 28 hours

25% discount 299,00

Sign up/buy by 31 March 2025, immediately discounts until 20% plus other economic benefits.

  • Sconto del 5% con Carta Giovane Nazionale
  • Rilascio gratuito CFP/ECM incluso
  • Valido nei settori lavorativi di competenza
  • In collaborazione con Tommaso Barone
  • Eventi formativi gratuiti con il Coach Tommaso Barone inclusi

Total hours:





Date from:


Date to:










Forklift operator course 8 hours


The Consolidation act for the Safety of Workers (DLGS 81/08 art.36,37 and 71) obliges employers to provide adequate training on the specific risks that may occur in the use of various equipment present within the company. Among the equipment indicated there are forklift trucks.

This course has the purpose of:

  • Raise workers’ awareness of the rules for safe driving.
  • To deepen simply the principles of the normative in force.
  • Become aware of the measures and checks to be done to work safely.
  • Learn how to drive and operation in various situations.

+ ICOTEA Additional Advantages with #TommasoBaroneCe!

tommaso barone sicurezza

ICOTEA is in partnership with Tommaso Barone.
Tommaso Barone has been an expert in School and Public Administration Security since 1998. He is also the reference lecturer in ICOTEA’s courses on Workplace Safety.

ENROLL in this course and you will be entitled to a free consultation with Tommaso Barone on the School or Public Administration sector. The consultation will be carried out by email, telephone or video call, depending on your preference.


  • MINISTERIAL ACCREDITATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS obtained from the MIUR, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy authorize ICOTEA, as a Ministerial Qualified Training Institute, to carry out training activities recognized as suitable by Public Institutions.
  • the CERTIFICATES ISSUED are valid in Italy and abroad, for freelancing, public competitions, career advancement, professional training credits and school rankings.
  • ICOTEA is authorized for the CONTINUING TRAINING OF FREE PROFESSIONALS: Physicians; Nurses; Health Professions; Lawyers; Social Workers; Notaries; Accountants; Accounting Experts; Engineers; Surveyors; Surveyors; Architects; Geologists; Agronomists and Food Technologists. CMEs or CFPs will be validated upon completion of these training courses.
  • ICOTEA is a CERTIFYING INSTITUTION for LANGUAGES thanks to authorization from Gatehouse for English, TELC for German, Herzen State Pedagogical University of St. Petersburg for Russian, and finally the University of Foreigners of Perugia for Italian.
  • MEPA: ICOTEA is an Institution enabled by the MEF and Consip for the provision of training to Public Administration employees.
  • ICOTEA has been awarded ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFICATION by the RINA group to provide courses IAF:37/34/35.
  • ICOTEA provides SERVICES to its students: FORMAZIONE24H a national association accredited by MISE for intellectual professions; STUDENT SERVICES certification and degree issuance; TOMMASO BARONE an expert in Safety and Hygiene in the School and Public Administration sector since 1998; HELP DESK for professional growth and E-CONVERTER Interpreting and Translating agency.

Access qualification Scaffold builder course

  • Professional qualification construction worker
  • Professional qualification worker
  • High school education

Recipients Scaffold builder course

Those who want to acquire the role of Scaffold builder must attend this course.

Professional Opportunities Scaffold builder course

The role of Scaffold can be done in the construction industry, logistics, etc.

Conducting Course and Examination in the CLASSROOM:

Conducting Lessons in the CLASSROOM:

Lessons can be attended at our locations in:

- MILAN: Via Mecenate n. 105 floor VI;

- ROME (Trastevere): Via Federico Rosazza n. 26 floor I;

- MODICA: Via Sorda Sampieri n. 128;


Conducting Examination in the CLASSROOM:

You will be asked to take the final exam at your chosen location. The possible modes of examination are as follows:

  • multiple-choice tests
  • practice tests
  • simulations
  • case histories
  • group work
  • listening tests
  • written and oral comprehension tests


It will be followed by the oral examination, given by the course instructor, who will ask you questions pertaining the study plan of the course.

After successfully passing the final exams, Icotea staff will issue you with a final certificate. This will be done following verification of the attendance record, past the period of the duration of the course and regularity of payments to ICOTEA training courses/services.

Study Plan Scaffold builder course

  • Consolidation act
  • Chapter III Sanctions
  • Good Practice regulation
  • Risk Analysis
  • General Instructions for Assembly
  • Final exam


Enrolling in ICOTEA’S training courses, you can obtain a lot of economic benefits and additional services.

The More You Learn, The More You Save: you can receive a discount on your total shopping cart up to 20% if you subscribe by 31 March 2025:

  • Buy 2 coursesand get a 10% discount right away
  • If you buy 3 courses you’ll get a 20%discount right away

You can also buy courses for different people not only yourself.


ICOTEA offers to its students a number of benefits that makes the access to training courses much easier to save up on the total shopping cart.

  • It is possible to pay on Instalments with no additional cost: on the enrolment/deposit fee has been paid, the remaining amount can be paid in instalment according to your needs at no additional cost.
  • Promotional code: if you are already an ICOTEA student, enroll for more, by entering the promo code on your cart you will receive an additional 5% of discount. The discount will be applied immediately.
  • ICOTEA is accredited to MIUR according to the Directive 170/16. Teachers can therefore enroll in our training courses by taking advantage of the Teacher's Card, Practice Code ZAIXV.
  • Young people between the ages of 18 and 35 can take advantage of the 5% discount with the youth card.
  • ICOTEA is also accredited by MEPA, the portal of the Public Administration. This tool allows P.A. to purchase quality training courses at an affordable price, ensuring the highest learning standards for employees.
  • Therefore, ICOTEA's training courses are exempt from vat, offering to students the opportunity to take advantage of a higher percentage tax deduction.

Through these discounts, ICOTEA offers its trainees the opportunity to obtain an excellent cost-quality ration, ensuring a quality educational experience at a competitive price.


  • ICOTEA offers several additional services to its students, including FORMAZIONE24H, which is a national association accredited by the Ministry of Economic Development for the intellectual professions.
  • Furthermore, ICOTEA offers STUDENT SERVICES for certification and degree issuance.
  • ICOTEA also has an expert in safety and hygiene in the school and public administration sector, TOMMASOBARONE, who has been working in this field for more than 20 years.
  • In addition, there is an help desk to assist on your career and an interpreting and translation agency, E-CONVERTER.

Why choose Icotea

Pay the registration fee / deposit now ⓘ

the final balance can be paid in installments according to your needs, at no additional cost.

Immediate discounts

the amount varies based on the amount of courses you add to your cart.

The more you save! ⓘ

Purchase multiple courses to receive discounts on your purchase.

Other economic advantages! ⓘ

Discover the other benefits you can access by choosing Icotea.


City HUB

Campus, Meeting, Convention, Training, Coworking, Mostre, Fiere ed Eventi.


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Request information

Codice promozionale: Sei già un corsista ICOTEA. Inoltra ad la richiesta per ricevere il tuo codice promozionale. Iscriviti ad altri corsi, inserendo il codice promozionale, riceverai immediatamente uno sconto aggiuntivo del 5%Lo sconto verrà applicato subito sul totale del carrello.

Rateizzazione senza costi aggiuntivi: Pagata la quota d’iscrizione/acconto, la restante somma potrà essere rateizzata secondo le tue esigenze, senza costi aggiuntivi.  Es. Il master prevede un investimento di Euro 649,00. Pagata la quota d’iscrizione di Euro 249,00 la restante somma potrà essere versata a fine percorso e potrà essere rateizzata senza costi aggiuntivi.

Voucher Formativo: per alcuni percorsi formativi che rientrano in una delle seguenti tipologie: Laurea – Formazione Pubblica Amministrazione – Corsi Trova Lavoro – Formazione Continua Ordini Professionali – Altri Corsi – Certificazioni Linguistiche – Certificazioni Informatiche – Corsi di Italiano – Corsi Singoli – Convegni Formativi – Master – Perfezionamento Post-Diploma – Diploma Specializzazione Biennali – Corsi di Alta Formazione è possibile usufruire del Voucher Formativo. Si tratta di una agevolazione economica che ICOTEA mette a disposizione dei corsisti per una copertura parziale dell’importo di alcuni percorsi formativi. Es: l’investimento previsto per il Master è euro 999,00, mentre grazie il Voucher l’investimento è di euro 649,00.

Carta del Docente: ICOTEA è Istituto formativo ministeriale accreditato al MIUR ai sensi della Direttiva 170/16 Codice Esercente ZAIXV. I docenti potranno dunque iscriversi ai nostri percorsi formativi usufruendo della Carta del Docente.

Carta Giovani: ICOTEA è convenzionata anche con la Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri dipartimento Politiche Giovanili e il Servizio Universale per la CARTA GIOVANI. La carta giovani, è una tessera virtuale riservata ai giovani compresi dai 18° a 35° anni di età che possono richiedere esclusivamente tramite l’App IO. Lo scopo di tale tessera virtuale è di usufruire dello sconto del 5% da utilizzare per le quote d’iscrizione ai vari percorsi formativi erogati da ICOTEA. I percorsi formativi erogati da ICOTEA convenzionati con CARTA GIOVANI sono: Laurea – Formazione Pubblica Amministrazione – Corsi Trova Lavoro – Formazione Continua Ordini Professionali – Altri Corsi – Certificazioni Linguistiche – Certificazioni Informatiche – Corsi di Italiano – Corsi Singoli – Convegni Formativi – Master – Perfezionamento Post-Diploma – Diploma Specializzazione Biennali – Corsi di Alta Formazione

Esente Iva:  Ad Icotea, in qualità di Istituto Universitario, è stato assegnato il seguente codice ateco 85.42 da parte della C.C.I.A.A, pertanto, i percorsi formativi erogati sono esenti da iva. I nostri corsisti, quindi, possono detrarre ai fini fiscali una percentuale maggiore rispetto altri Istituti/Enti non universitari.

How to enrol

PROMOTIONS VALID UNTIL 31 March 2025 are cumulative: “The More You Learn, The More You Save” + “More economic benefits”