Work-related learning is a new approach to teaching, launched through L. 53/2003 and Legislative Decree n. 77 dated 15 April 2005, redefined by the law, 13 July 2015 n. 107. This project aims to integrate theoretical knowledge of young students with necessary competence to access the world of work. The Italian school system trained its citizens focusing on the theoretical aspect. Finally, now it is possible to train “complete” workers thanks to “work-related learning”. Students will have the possibility to gain experience concretely. In this way the school eases their placement in the world of work in order to achieve the levels of the major European powers.
Compulsory course about safety at work
Before attending this course you have to receive training on safety at work, in accordance with the Legislative decree n. 81/08 (following modifications and/or integrations). At the end of this course, you will receive a certificate of attendance.
It has legal value both in Italy and abroad; it is valid for a period of 5 years and you can immediately use it to access companies/bodies.
You need to attend this course in “”Training about safety at work”” and earn certificate of attendance in order to take part in this experience of work-related learning. This programme is for students who attend the third, fourth and fifth year of the secondary school.
Who is ICOTEA?
ICOTEA is a learning institute accredited by the MIUR, in accordance with the Directive 170/2016 – Dealer code ZAIXV. Among the courses provided by ICOTEA there is also “Safety at work”, which is compulsory for work-related learning. You can attend it through e-learning.
The certificate issued to each student has legal value in Italy and abroad; it is valid for a period of 5 years and you can immediately use it to access companies/bodies.
Educational news
Thanks to our online course about safety at work, ICOTEA offers your institute an interactive approach and a multimedia language. You will enjoy the following advantages:
- you will save time and money;
- interaction between students and teachers;
- you can plan your lessons according to your needs;
- you can access e-learning platform whenever and wherever you want;
- you don’t need registration in our online portal, so nobody can access your personal data. In this way you prevent identity theft and learn in total safety.
Advantages for YOUR INSTITUTE
- The certificate issued has legal value in Italy and abroad
- Our training courses are free of VAT, in accordance with the presidential decree 633/73 art. 10 paragraph 20
- Teaching activities
- Attendance record
- Text
- Certificates at the end of the course
- Declaration of VAT exemption
- Summary of the Safety Consolidation Act
- Content of the training programme
- Remote support to create your skype profile/account in order to conclude your training programme through videoconferencing
- The school personnel and students will take advantage of unlimited tutor support by phone, email or Skype.
Total number of hours
– In accordance with the agreement between the Italian Government and regions dated 21/12/2011, students who take part in “Work-related learning” will have to attend a training course about safety at work for 12 hours.
– Total number of hours will be divided as follows:
– 4 hours (four) in self-training/e-learning;
– 8 hours (eight) through videoconferencing/Skype.
Who are the teachers?
Profs Tommaso Barone and Salvatore Guastella.
When does this course start?
This course will start within 24 hours of registration. We will send an email to your certified email address containing the following links:
Link for the Administrative office:
- Attendance record
- Text
- Certificates at the end of the course
- Declaration of VAT exemption
- Summary of the Safety Consolidation Act
- Content of the training programme
Link for students:
- Teaching activities.
- You have to enrol by 31 March 2025, otherwise you will pay for the aforementioned services (certificates, attendance record, etc.)
- To enrol click the yellow rectangle on the right of this page “Add to cart“
What does the investment include?
Our courses are free of VAT, in accordance with the Presidential decree 633/73 art. 10 paragraph 20.
The investment includes the following benefits:
– The certificate issued has legal value in Italy and abroad
– Teaching activities
– Attendance record
– Text
– Certificates at the end of the course
– Declaration of VAT exemption
– Summary of the Safety Consolidation Act
– Content of the training programme
– Remote support to create your skype profile/account in order to conclude your training programme through videoconferencing
– The school personnel and students will enjoy unlimited tutor support by phone, email or Skype
– 35 students € 499.00
– 100 students € 799.00
– 150 students € 949.00
– 200 students € 1,399.00
– 250 students € 1,799.00
– 300 students € 2,199.00
– more than 300 students € 2,499.00
Study plan
General training
Concepts of risk, damage, prevention, protection, company prevention management, rights and duties, penalties for company members, supervisory and assistance bodies.
Specific training
The risk of accidents related to mechanical and electrical devices, machinery, equipment, falls from height, explosion risks, chemical risks (mists, oils, fumes, vapours, dusts), labelling, carcinogenic risks, biological risks, physical risks, noise, vibration, radiation, microclimate and lighting, display screens, personal protective equipment (PPE), work organisation, work environments, work-related stress, manual handling of loads, cargo handling, (lifting equipment, means of transport, signage, emergencies, safety procedures about specific risks, evacuation and fires, first aid procedures, accidents and near-accidents, other risks.
Contact us for any further information and enjoy our special training offer.